a message from the blogger

I'm still trying to update Touille's blog so that there are no more dead links or links to sites that are not secure. I've had to delete a few posts which made no sense anymore. Touille is always on my mind as I update and read old posts.

Friday, June 17, 2005

lieveheersbeestjes (ladybugs)

lieveheersbeestjes by rob20.

There are many little beetles, possibly a sort of ladybug, in my apartment. MB thinks they may have hatched inside the living room. Or they might have flown right inside when MB leaves the door open to the balcony area. Either way, the beetles in the apartment are small and yellowish, not red, but they do have the black spots and the general shape of a small ladybug. There doesn't seem to be enough of the right kind of food for them, or perhaps they just have an extremely short lifespan, because their tiny dead bodies are turning up in odd places, such as the top of a plastic CD container, and in my water bowl.

- Touille, a dog who is not opposed to bugs in the house, as long as they do not leave their deceased remains in my dish of clean drinking water

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