a message from the blogger

I'm still trying to update Touille's blog so that there are no more dead links or links to sites that are not secure. I've had to delete a few posts which made no sense anymore. Touille is always on my mind as I update and read old posts.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

walking in tandem

Dog Walk 6-21
Originally uploaded by Sneaky G.

I haven't had another dog to walk with lately. And MB seems to stop a lot more often than she used to, purportedly to snap photos, but perhaps she's just getting old and can't keep up the pace. I can still trot along at a pretty good speed, considering that my legs are short.


Here I am looking back at MB as if to say, "What's the holdup here?"

are you coming or what?

- Touille, a short-legged dog who has never had trouble keeping up with the "big dogs"

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