a message from the blogger

I'm still trying to update Touille's blog so that there are no more dead links or links to sites that are not secure. I've had to delete a few posts which made no sense anymore. Touille is always on my mind as I update and read old posts.

Friday, July 29, 2005

from a Manhattan Dog Park - photo by Terry Bain

from a Manhattan Dog Park vii
from a Manhattan Dog Park vii
Originally uploaded by Terry Bain.

This dog is just about to catch a flying tennis ball in his mouth.

I have never been interested in trying this type of activity. If someone tosses something in my direction, I duck. But if offered a tasty treat, I will delicately and daintily accept it. Just don't throw it at me!

Bonus link: Cute Puppies, a photo album by Terry Bain.

- Touille, a dog of elegance and refinement

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