Dogs display reluctance and wrath
If you try to give them a bath.
They bury bones in hideaways
And half the time they trot sideaways.
- Ogden Nash
Touille says: I must admit to the reluctance and not-quite-wrath (more of a mildly annoyed feeling) when MB used to give me a bath in the kitchen sink. She usually chose to do the bathing shortly after I had rolled in some delightfully smelly substance found on one of our outdoor walks when we had ventured off the paved streets and sidewalks. Occasionally I would discover some highly scented mud or some partially decayed animal or bird to squirm around in, coating my fur with the heavy scent. I would just be getting my fur to smell the way I wanted it to smell, when MB would scoop me up, place me in the sink, douse me with water, and scrub me with odd-smelling shampoo, totally ruining the scent effect that I was trying to achieve. Why do humans and dogs have such different ideas of how one ought to smell?
- Touille, who has heard that a dog's sense of smell is more highly developed than a human's, and therefore wonders why humans think that they know better about all things smelly
Bonus link: How often should you bathe your dog?
MB typed it for Touille on June 5, 2019