a message from the blogger

I'm still trying to update Touille's blog so that there are no more dead links or links to sites that are not secure. I've had to delete a few posts which made no sense anymore. Touille is always on my mind as I update and read old posts.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Men in Kilts - Alexandria, Virginia

Men in Kilts
Originally uploaded by Greg Jagiello.

I haven't been to this parade in Alexandria, but I have marched in several parades over the years. Now that I am an elderly dog of seventeen (in "people" years), I have pretty much retired from parades. Groups of kilt-wearing men are likely to also be playing bagpipes, which I find to be loud and not pleasant. MB claims to like the whining sound of the pipers, and she is also fond of the booming drum, which I don't care for either.

- Touille, a small dog with sensitive ears

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there, thanks for the photo credit! I'm a chihuahua fan...keep up the fun blog.