He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.Photos from 2023 Soulard Pet Parade Photos from 2022 Soulard Pet Parade (selections)
- Friedrich Nietzsche
He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.Photos from 2023 Soulard Pet Parade Photos from 2022 Soulard Pet Parade (selections)
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Dogs display reluctance and wrath
If you try to give them a bath.
They bury bones in hideaways
And half the time they trot sideaways.
- Ogden Nash
Now that I am no longer on this earth, I am not worried about the popularity of various blogs including my own. But I am happy that MB has found something to occupy her time that involves remembering me, her faithful companion for so many years. For those humans who are able to adopt a pet, that is a wonderful thing for caring people to do for animals.
I am happy in heaven because I no longer have pain or infirmities, and many of my dog friends are here with me. When I was still on earth, I blogged about what heaven might be like. It's a little like the beach, but not exactly. I am a dog who, when on earth, liked to be precise in my descriptions. But dog heaven defies description to the point that I can't really describe it. For those dogs (and people) who haven't made it to the heavenly realm yet, you can picture it like the San Diego Dog Beach if you like.
- Touille, who maintains that a picture may be worth a thousand words, and that dog heaven is more wonderful than a thousand pictures
MB is sitting at the computer day and night trying to update this blog. I thought that she decided to retire from her "day job" so that she would not have to spend all day in front of a computer screen. If I were still on this earth, I would insist that she take some time to get fresh air and exercise. During my lifetime, I made sure that the two of us got out of the apartment to do some serious walking. My suggestion to MB (who is not planning to get another canine companion) is to act as though I, Touille, am still here with her and need to go outdoors. She can use the time walking around to think of new things to blog about, to take lots of photos, and to remember how much fun we had together during our 16 years together on earth.
- Touille, a small dog who never got too old to walk (though at a more leisurely pace in later years)
Conscience is the inner voice which warns you that someone may be looking.
- H. L. Mencken
Notice the actual floor in this photo. These dogs are indoors at the Tower Grove Pride Fest. In 2018, for the first time, an air-conditioned area was available to festival attendees and their animal friends for an extra charge. MB felt it was worth the money to be able to get out of the heat inside the Stupp Center. And as a dog who enjoys comfort, I heartily agree!
For years MB had been bringing me to outdoor events in all kinds of weather. Now that MB is older, perhaps she has an appreciation for comfort more than ever before. MB and I used to share an ice cream at Pride Fest every year, but for the last couple of years of my long life, I was able to remain home while MB attended the festival during the hot midday hours. No amount of tree shade or ice cream can really compete with actual air conditioning.
- Touille (who now rests in eternal comfort in the next realm of existence)
Dog's Parade album by the photographer Abdel Berraha, known on Flickr.com as berra2007. Here's his website: Berraha Photography
12/21/1999 - 8/20/2008 - Goodbye Indigo.-------------------------------------------------
You were a truly amazing friend, companion, and excellent hound. You lived a long and happy life (nearly 9 years).
You will be missed and loved forever.
My daughter Montana and our Great Dane Indigo when they were both 5 years old. (8/13/2005)
See the entire album for the 2010 pet parade in Soulard by CRYROLFE_PHOTOGRAPHY
NOTE: This photo album is no longer available on Flickr. I am leaving this post for now because there are some comments that I don't want to delete.
[was "Lucy" photo album.]
This photo is from the Barkus 2008 parade. Nutmeg died yesterday, April 11, 2009. She was always a good dog and was greatly loved.
More photos of Nutmeg:
Nutmeg at Barkus 2008 parade
Beth's Nutmeg photos
Peso died today of kidney failure (March 22, 2009). Rest In Peace, little Peso.