a message from the blogger

I'm still trying to update Touille's blog so that there are no more dead links or links to sites that are not secure. I've had to delete a few posts which made no sense anymore. Touille is always on my mind as I update and read old posts.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Miesha... Too cute!

Miesha..Too cute!
Originally uploaded by Padrone.

Padrone, the photographer, was the one who calls the photo "too cute!" Of course a young sweet dog is cute. There is no such thing as being too cute. Cuteness is one of the tools that small dogs and puppies have to use so that we can obtain favors and food and attention from humans.

According to Padrone, Miesha had just had a swim in this photo, so her fur is still wet. At age 6 months, she is at the height of cuteness.

There are more photos of Miesha and other animals in this photo set: Miesha and Clem.

The dogs in this photoset all look really fine, but the cat(s) look somewhat crazed. I am not sure if there is one cat or several, but all the photos of cats show the mouth open and the eyes wide. And not in a cute way.

- Touille, a small dog who, although now somewhat elderly, is still extremely cute


JuliaR said...

Yes, I don't think there is such a thing as "too cute" in dogs. Touille seems like a wise little dog.

Anonymous said...

Originally the photo was simply called Miesha, but after the first few comments recieved on the photo I changed it to "Miesha... Too cute!" As for Clem the cat..lol he is not crazed in any way, he just loves the attention given from the camera. Even when he was yawning he kept his eye on it.

Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...

Cute as can be! But Touille is still the cutest, adorable and huggable of them all.


MB said...

JuliaR, I totally agree!

Padrone, Clem must know that a camera ought to be watched at all times.

Furkids, thanks so much for your kind words. I have recently posted a yet another Touille photo here, so that everyone can see how cute and huggable I am!

- Touille, ever huggable and adorable
(MB typed it for Touille, the adorable one)